Next Thursday I'm heading back to Cali, this time with Sam & Savannah. We fly to San Francisco, and will head up to Yosemite National Park with my adorable niece Kira, her mom Zofia, and my brother Lazer. I have never been to Yosemite so I'm excited about that. Then I head back to the Bay Area to go to
Green Gulch Zen Center for a couple days. We're staying in a guesthouse there. It's beautiful - the property goes right down to the ocean.
I still need to upload my photos from my visit to LA and Paige and Hugh's wedding!! I bought a new computer, so it's been 3 weeks of transferring files and all that madness. And THEN I had to take the whole darn thing back to the store 2 days ago because it was having some problems. So if you have read my Compact article, you will realize I am not longer "celibate"... in terms of my buying habits :) So OK I finally did it - here are some photos from my last trip to Cali a few weeks ago!

Hugh and Paige! It was the most unique wedding I've been to. She wore a beautiful gold dress and he wore a Scottish kilt! They honeymooned in Scotland, which is where Hugh's ancestors are from.

This is the whole new blended family :)

The rehearsal. This is the Church of the Angels - a beautiful chapel.

Raleigh getting her nails done the day before the wedding. The girls all got our nails done and Paige and Raleigh and Aria got their hair done also. It was great fun :)

Dana and Tricia. Tricia graciously let me stay with her, and she runs the awesome coffee shop (2 locations in the L.A. area) called swork. Check it out Swork stands for the synergy between success and work. Dana is a massage therapist in Santa Monica! We all stayed together at Trish's - I loved these gals!
Judith Stock, a longtime writer friend/colleague and I got together at a great little Italian place. It was so nice to meet her after all the years I've known her!
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More adventures of the Wendees - - -
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