A coyote at Two Dogs Flat (left). Dad at Josephine Lake (right).

A shot of people hiking the Trail (same one as above, at Logan Pass). The boardwalk protects the fragile alpine vegetation.

To the left, the Canadian and U.S.A. flags fly near the Logan Pass visitor's center. Glacier National Park borders Canada and has a sister park, Waterton N.P., on the Canadian side. To the right, another shot on the Trail to Hidden Lake.
OMG. You realize that Glacier is my Jan's favorite spot on Earth? Besides being next to me, in Lake Tahoe? ;) We went last summer - drizzley weather. Your trip looks just wonderful.
B e a u t i f u l
I'm ready to go!
Hey Wendee - no I didn't know that was Jan's favorite place!! How cool. It' smy dad's favorite place too, so it was special to be able to share it with him. :)
Beautiful shots, Wendee! Nicely done.
Add me to the list of folks who rate Glacier as a favorite. Your photos are great.
Almost diverted to GNP on the bike trip, but it was early in the season so abandoned that idea. Those photos make me want to return soon.
Once again, i live vicariously through your travels. This place is amazing! I am glad you were able to experience it with someone so special to you.
Theresa P.
OK, i admit, GNP is my favorite place too. Outstanding pika pics!
It was super fun hanging out with you and your pops.
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