"Be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Ghandi
I feel such a desire to make a difference and to get change implemented in the world. Yet it feels overwhelming. I remember protesting a nuclear power plant with my dad in Oregon when I was 8 years old. My activist roots go way back... I find I can get things done fairly well myself but I don't know how to motivate others. I am often told how there is a lack of people wanting to volunteer, or take on leadership roles. Why is this? I see my whole life as a mission field - not just teaching others about the Way (love), but about getting out there and making things happen. Stop flapping jaws and start implementing the change you want to see.
The person who inspires me most in this area of making a difference in wildlife conservation/environme

ntal activism is J. Nichols. I met J. when I wrote an article about him, "
It Takes a Village" for Animals Magazine in 1998. He studies and works to conserve sea turtles, which are near and dear to my heart. J. has worked closely with the Baja fishermen and citizens in raising awareness about the sea turtles, and has since then co-founded and directed the nonprofit,
Wildcoast, and now works with Carl Safina at
Blue Ocean Institute, and is also instrumental in starting the new
Ocean Revolution. I am amazed at how he has networked with so many people, and made so many efforts successful on so many levels. I love how he loves his work and seems a part of something bigger than himself - creates it even. I talked about this some a few days ago re. wanting to be a a part of something bigger. I am just so inspired that you can be around people who care so much and love living and what they're doing. I feel that way but I'm not surrounded by people who do - or if I am, they certainly don't come together in collaborative ways like that. Maybe I will just have to make some of that happen myself.
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