I took the day off work to go have fun at Astroworld & Waterworld today! I went with one of my best friends from high school Suzanne and her 4 kids, and my kids and my friend from work Ruthanne.

Here is a photo of Suz and I looking like drowned rats because after about two hours there the thunderstorm from hell started! We hid in a store for two more hours and then finally headed home with a raincheck to come again... It was great to catch up

though, Suz and I had so many fun times together in high school with my other best friend from that era Kim. The beach, Grandy's, partying, prom and tubing afterwards....partying some more! Suz is am amazing beautiful woman and it blesses my life to have kept in touch with her. I truly believe that if you're a friend, you are a friend for life! Friendships/relationships are precious to me, the most important part of my life (including my kids!). Both of us were a bit of lost souls in high school and we have both become Christians and it is a beautiful thing to see how life comes full circle.
My kids are so sweet - they woke me up with presents wrapped on the table -- they'd made me

picture frames and homemade cards. Sam's card had the Chinese symbol for happiness on it (he drew it) and inside it said "You are the best mom!!!" with hearts all around, and Savannah wrote a story about how I was born and in the end it said "Wendee was the best mom. Savannah loved her a whole lot. So did Sam. In the end there was Peace (Chinese symbol for peace). The End." :)
I also got the nicest card from Daline that made my year! My cup runneth over...
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