I went for a hike around the hills and rock formations around the cabin. It was really beautiful. The soil and mountains here are so soft, and everywhere there are pathways where water has rushed through carving valleys through the soil. The temperature was warmer again today and it was so nice to be outside in the fresh air.
One thing I have really enjoyed about my time here is my ability to just sit outside. Going outside is so "easy" because its just a one-room cabin - you just open the door and there is the great outdoors all around. I will have to find a way to make my outdoors a little more work-friendly at my home. I have mostly sat around in my pajamas and slippers many of the days. Every few days I get stinky and take a shower. I enjoy cooking my healthy food and sitting outside - glass of tangerine juice and a pan-fried bean-and-cheese-and-salsa burrito. Mmm.
I have found my stress level heightens when I just sit at my computer and work-work-work and it lowers when I go for walks. I didn't get everything done I wanted to on my proposal, but I made significant strides, got some excellent feedback, and it is getting close. I did nearly everything but the sample chapter and I'm pondering on that one. My solar batteries are all run down and I'm not sure how much juice I have so when it dies I'm gonna make a fire and stare at the stars! Love and peace to all!
Goodbye Owl Mountain! Sunrise 12/02
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