Savannah riding a camel! One of her dad's gifts for her 14th birthday was to take a couple friends to the Renaissance Festival. This was our first time. One of the caveats was that she had to ride a camel :)
Savannah on the jumping trapeze thingie.
The sign reads, "Rack O Lamb = 75 pounds, OR Rack a Man = Priceless." Ha ha!
L gets executed.
The girls lounge in these totally awesome chairs!
Savie and me today at Ren Fest!
I'm watching the movie Ice Age with Savie and her friend, I LOVE this movie!! It is so freaking hilarious. Sid the Sloth is so my alter ego!! We just got back from Ren Fest. What a blast. These were my Facebook updates during the day (yes, I did turn on my blackberry while I was there, and no I am not doing that frequently just occasionally now).
Wendee is at the Ded Bob show
Wendee is eating fried yam fries yum
Wendee is thinking 1 turkey leg can feed a small country
Wendee is watching 3 girls ride a camel!
Wendee is thinking the giant swing is the best 4 dollars I ever spent! it rocked!!
Wendee is about to ride a different kind of swing now
Wendee ... one hurling kid, a speeding ticket and a long drive home, but that can't ruin a day w/chocolate covered strawberries, awesome rides, great company
OK so on the way home one of the girls got sick, and then I got a dang speeding ticket! I was almost home too, and trying to go fast because poor E was so sick! The cop had no mercy. He pulls up to me and says, "Did you know you were going nearly triple the speed limit?" I said, "What is the speed limit?" He said "35" and I'd been going about 70 apparently. I don't even believe that, I'm sure I was going 60. As he walked back to his car, Savannah said, "Apparently cops don't have to learn math." Snarky little one, she is!
So we started cracking up while he was back at his car writing my ticket. I said, E you should barf on his shoe when he comes back over here. But alas, she didn't barf on his shoe. He deserved it though!
Last thing I wanted to mention was this cool Monkey Trials blog post by Scott Hatfield about my SBOE testimony. He explained some things that I'd left unsaid.
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