I may have a hard time concentrating to write... However I have to force myself. Here are some photos I took. The cabin - Owl Mountain Writer's Retreat - overlooks - you guessed it, Owl Mountain. It uses solar panels which power up a battery that runs my laptop and some lights. There is a self-composting toilet outside. A propane wood stove heats the place at night and there is a propane-run refrigerator and stove. There is a large water tank outside and a camp shower inside that also runs by propane. Its just like when I grew up, only much more modern! I picked up some groceries in Santa Fe and Marguerite, the owner, has the place stocked with all kinds of goodies. Its a real treat to stay here.
Even a few beers and a bottle of wine in the fridge.
So driving up the driveway several Tibetan prayer flags greet you. The cabin is poised on a hill, and the topography is incredible. I will have to hike around the red hills where Owl Mountain is. All around are sandy washes where evidence of water from rainstorms past flushed through. There are so many colors. I had so many profound things to say earlier but I am all out of words, so I will leave you with some photos.

looks cool
Looks really cool.
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