Earlier as I was leaving the grocery store I walked past this 70 or so year old man. He was rail thin and his pants were belted up to his belly button and he had the equivalent of a camel toe. But the thing that made me break into a huge grin was his face. I wish I had a photo of his face to put above my computer and everywhere I go. He literally had a frown that looked like the arch of a rainbow ETCHED into his face. It was his permanent facial feature - and he looked very bitter too. I know that the faces we make certainly become our wrinkles, laugh lines, frown lines, and I thought that he is certainly not going to achieve that Deepak Choprah saying about having your heart as light as a feather when you die...
Actually the funniest thing is that after I saw the grumpy old man and had this huge shit-eating grin on my own face I walked past a woman and she spontaneously broke into a smile upon seeing mine. It was a cogent reminder of the power and contagiousness of joy.
Alas it also a very good reminder that I need to smile more. I know that our faces reflect our inner spirit, and yet we can also improve our mood by simple things like smiling. I can be very

So I've also made a renewed committment to eating healthy and cooking more. I enjoy cooking but find myself over the past months (years?) not having time due to feeling like I have to constantly work. I truly enjoy the simplicity of cooking healthy though, and need to get to a routine where I can enjoy that part of my life again. So I bought a bunch of veggies and healthy stuff and have been cooking more.
Oh! And I spent all weekend redesigning my website so please check it out and let me know what you think! http://www.wendeeholtcamp.com and I'll be offering a 6-week "Writing about Nature & the Environment" e-course that you can sign up for if you're interested in writing, I've taught it before, and am offering it again. It starts Dec 10. You can register HERE.
I'll also be putting on two very exciting "Manna Sandwich Inspiration Retreats" a Yoga-Nature Retreat in January and a Writers-Artists Workshop in March. They'll be held in TX at a forested venue yet to be announced, and I will reveal more details as they are available. It will be top of the line! I love to teach and this is something I have long wanted to do. And I got a couple of friends, who are very talented, interested in helping me out. We are going to do great things! I hope you join us :)
1 comment:
Hey Wen,
Your experience with the grumpy old man and your contagious smile makes me think of the Thich Nhat Hanh (Vietnamese Buddhist Priest) quote
"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." - Thich Nhat Hanh"
Interesting to me that you didn't take on the negative energy that I imagine was emanating from the grumpy old man. Good for you. Just like smiles, sometimes negativity is contagious too. The passing on of your smile makes me think of the Dalai Lama and his teachings on peace. Peace can't be dictated from the powers that be by force, it has to come from within each of us as we realize our own divine nature and the divinity within each other regardless of color, ethnicity, age, sex, political party affiliation or religion. One thing does not lead to another. Hate will never lead to peace. Only peace will lead to peace.
Thanks for sharing that story. It has me smiling right now. Maybe I'll have the opportunity to pass it on.
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