Just a few pictures from last weekend at the park. I love this park - it's awesome! We've been going there since they were little. I love this photo. Savannah took it. Love the smile on Sam's face!

We were playing "monster" - which is just like tag. We were running all around this jungly gym thing. It was a blast! Savannah refused to participate in our childish activities...

Here is (remember from my blog post a couple days ago) Savannah saying that I'm acting like a 2-year old. You can just see it in her posture! However I'll have you know at age 2, I could not yet hang upside down from the bars. That wasn't until age 5 or so :) And it's soooo fun to flip around off of it too!

Yes I am proud to be a treehugger!

What a cutie!

This is the coolest teeter totter. But my favorite thing to do in the world (well at the park anyway) is to swing...
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